Friday, October 3, 2008

i'm done!

I've finished the first draft of my novel! I'm about ready to scream! I might scare the new neighbors though, so I'll just use a profuse amount of exclamation points. That's how real writers scream.

I wrote the words THE END last night, 10/02/08, at 11:36pm. My final word count came in at 88,101. I was initially hoping for 100,000 words, but this is just how the plot flowed. I'm sure, with revisions and additional scenes that will be added, I'll be closer to that number.

So now that I've completed the first BIG step, I feel good. But to tell you the truth, I'm feeling a little awkward. I'm all out of whack! I had to remind myself when I came home from work today that I don't need to open up my first draft and write. My hands automatically guided the cursor to that file, ready to click and begin. It's strange.

I guess I'm still in a state of disbelief. I'm anxious to move forward, now that it's done, but I know I have to sit on it for a while before I jump in to revisions. This is harder than I thought it would be. Now, I see what you meant, Maura!

I'm early on finishing this draft according to my goal sheet, but I am behind on the category romance I should be writing. This helps that "need to write" habit. And blogging does, too. I want to get back to more blogs, but with everything that's been going on this last week, I've been beat. I'll begin that saga in my next blog.

Oh and maybe I can get some reading done! If anything, I'm sure I'll sleep well tonight :-)

grand total: 88101 AND COMPLETE!

Quote of the Day: I love writing. I love the swirl and swing of words as they tangle with human emotions. ~James Michener


Shae said...


I'm screaming for you since I hate my neighbors (not really, most of the homes around me are empty from foreclosure) I am so HAPPY for you and a little jealous too.
Now that both you and Maura have done it I have to get off my ass and finish.
Great work, LD, I am so proud of you and I can't wait to read it!! You ROCK!!!!

Maura said...


Dyann, this is such wonderful news. I'm sorry it has taken me so long to chime in with my congrats (stupid hard drive!). But I am sooooooo proud of you and I hope you are still riding along on the feel-good high of having done it. I can't wait to see it!!!

It is hard at first to stay away from it but I can tell you I am definitely glad that I did and I thank you again for encouraging me to do it. I felt as if I were looking at it with fresh eyes and a more objective perspective. I felt I was really able to see what sucked and what was good. And the only good thing about my hard drive issue was that it kept me from starting my round two rewrites for a week. I think that will be beneficial in the long run. So you are definitely making the right choice to leave it alone for a while.

So go have another beer (or whatever feels good today) to celebrate and know that I will be toasting you tonight when Larry and I go out to dinner. You are awesome, awesome, AWESOME!!!!