Saturday, August 23, 2008

back in business

Turning 31 wasn't nearly as bad as 30, but aging still sucks in my book. So I took this week to re-group and re-energize; get myself prepped and ready to head back out into the world and "git r done."

I took a free online workshop entitled "How to Write 50 Books in a Year." I know it sounds absolutely insane and a little unbelievable, but its not really the number that's important here, it's how you go about it. What these two sisters, Elle James and Delilah Devlin, (both romance novelists), teach is mostly organization, time management, and motivation. And really, everyone needs some of that, while I need a lot of it. And not just once. I need to kick myself into gear at least four times a year, with mini-kicks in between. One of the big lessons taught was to make clear and detailed goals for yourself, starting huge and funneling down into specifics. That's what I did.

My main goal is to have 10 books written by the end of 2009, five single-title novels of roughly 100,000 words each, and five category romance novels of roughly 50,000 words each. I'm sure it sounds like a massive goal, but it's doable. I planned it all out, even giving myself some leeway in between. And the trick is, even if I only get 9 books by the end of 2009. That's still 9 more than I have now!

For my current novel, I'm back to the 1000 words a day goal until I reach 100,000 words. And I began the planning stages for my first category romance as well. I've already began fleshing out the characters with Holly Lisle's Create a Character Clinic. She's absolutely amazing. Check her out through the link on my Favorite Shops link on the right. I bought her Clinic bundle which includes, Create a Language, Create a Character, Create a Culture, and Create a Plot. They really are detailed and inexpensive for all you get.

Do you remember I mentioned that when I went home last weekend, I had an idea for a new novel? Well, I decided to formulate this idea as a category romance that I'd like to push toward the Harlequin Blaze line (though I've heard rumors that Blaze may be on the chopping block soon). Blaze is basically contemporary with more steamy love scenes than a typical category.

The gist of my CR (category romance) pertains to a woman who has it all; a successful career in finance; a wealthy and respected fiance; a beautiful home; and a busy social calendar. That is until she turns down a scandalous proposition from a sought after investor, and is promptly fired. Her fiance is mortified by the news of her unemployment and dumps her, leaving her without a place to live, or any real friends. Blacklisted by her former company, she has no choice but to go back to her home town and stay with her parents until she can figure out what she wants to do. But going home means she's thrust back into the neighborhood where everyone knows your name...and your business. And then there's the boy next door, who's all grown up and more man than she ever hoped to handle. Soon, she begins to wonder why she ever left at all.

Whatcha think? The picture is the best I could find of a sexy mechanic, which is the profession of my hero, but he doesn't really resemble the dude in the picture at all. If any of my readers can find a nice hot mechanic pic, I'd be grateful.

Have a wonderful weekend and catch you next time.

grand total: 56029

Quote of the Day: The story I am writing exists, written in absolutely perfect fashion, some place, in the air. All I must do is find it, and copy it. ~Jules Renard, "Diary," February 1895


Shae said...

I'd read it! And I want to know where you find a mechanic that looks like that! I love that your hero has a "blue collar" career.

You are way more ambitious than I am but I hope some of that ambition rubs off on me. Good luck girlfriend!

Maura said...

Aging does indeed suck! When I turned 29 I immediately started agonizing over the fact that my 30th bday was next. I moaned and groaned about it for quite awhile. By the time it actually happened, I didn't care anymore. And pretty much since then I stopped worrying about them. Every now and then I get bothered but I do my best to ignore it and move on.

Good for you on your 10 book goal! I should follow your example. I definitely need to be more habitual in my writing. You are providing me with much needed inspiration!

I took a quick look at Holly Lisle's website. Do you really think Clinic bundle is helpful? I am really interested in the plot one because that is where I am weakest.

I love your CR synopsis. I think it is a perfect idea for the Harlequin lines. Did Holly Lisle's techniques help you to flesh it out like that? I need to work on getting my ideas to flesh out like that. Reading your synopsis, I feel I could take that idea and just start filling in the story. I know it's not quite as simple as that sounds but you have definitely pulled together a great jumping off point. So I again need to follow your example and start planning my stories better! Way to go, Dyann! Keep up the good work.

And as for your mechanic...yep, he's hot!