Monday, May 19, 2008

sorry PETA..i tried

On January 1st of this year I made a resolution to eliminate red meat and poultry from my diet. And on May 17th, I caved. I had a Club sandwich and it had turkey and bacon on it. And it was...delicious.

I did great for the first three months. I didn't even have cravings for meat. But then the dreams began..... the ones where I accidentally eat meat at a social event or with my best friend at a reverse racist restaurant. Don't ask. They got pretty weird. In the dreams I would stress out because I was eating meat and end up spitting it out. But I never stressed like that in real life. I guess it was my subconscious reaching out. No wonder my back would hurt when I woke up.

My reasons for the meatless decision was based on my disappointment and disgust with the way we harvest animals, breeding them for slaughter. But it's not the slaughter, per se, that bothers me, it's the life the animals live while awaiting their fate. Forced in cramped, inconceivably small pens; pushed, shoved, kicked and beaten until their bones are broken, these animals are in constant pain. It makes me cry as I sit here writing about it. How can we do this to living things? Well, I know why. Money and convenience. People want meat, and farmers provide it. But not necessarily the farmers we think of, like Old MacDonald. Actually, he may be related to his corporation cousin in some incestuous Kentucky bred way, but I digress. The real farmers are business men who don't look at their livestock as living things, but as product. And that is truly sad. It's also where our humanity begins to crumble.

Money isn't the only reason we treat animals with cruelty. It's because we can. We think our evolved brains give us some sort of right. That's proven by the idiot soldier who threw a puppy over a cliff for fun and videotaped it, or the perv who enjoys "trampling" videos, where women stomp on baby bunnies and chicks to get off. If people want something, someone will provide it for them, no matter how horrible it is or who it might hurt.

OK, now I'm depressed. Moving on. Instead of feeling incredibly guilty for my failure and turning to heavy desserts or large amounts of carbs, I want to say, hey, I made it almost five months! That's gotta count for something. And it's not like I'm going to go on a meat rampage and stuff myself with everything bloody. I just need to have the option of eating meat, so I don't crave it in my dreams. My diet used to consist of roughly 80% meat before this year. Now it will consist of only 5-10% max. I still don't plan on eating veal or pate. And I advise you all to reconsider indulging in those. (Don't make me have to tell you what they do to geese and calves!)

Anyway, I didn't mean to get everyone either upset with me or bummed. If I were Monty Python, I would make a sudden interlude of gratuitous images of penises. But all I have is a bunny.

daily total: 1153
grand total: 26305

Quote of the Day: If there's a book you really want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it. ~Toni Morrison

1 comment:

Shae said...

Hey, turkey isn't red meat and I think they now call pork 'the other white meat" so you technically didn't cheat if your goal was no red meat.

Honestly, I applaud your effort. I could never do it. I would be a vegetarian if I had to kill and process my own meat but since they have it so neatly packaged at the grocery store it's easy not to think about where it comes from. Plus I love cheeseburgers (love, love, love them).

Eat meat rarely, try to eat more 'humane' meat and I will not eat any pate I promise (okay, that's a really easy one because I hate liver but now I'll feel superior refusing it!)