Sunday, May 18, 2008

shah...push it

I made it through the road block! I'm not particularly happy with the scenes, but first draft, people...first draft. Whenever I say it, I feel dirty. Dirty in a haven't taken a shower for four days kinda way, not dirty in a getting spanked by David Duchovny kinda way. If that were the case, I'd be saying it until my mouth went dry.

I'm reading Stephen King's book "On Writing" and I believe he says something about giving yourself permission to write crap when it comes to your first draft. Hallelujah! Because I'm pretty darn good at writing crap :-) He has some interesting insights so far and some great tips. I just watched The Mist and I hate him. His endings can be soooo depressing. I want to cry all night. So I took all that emotional energy and I turned to my book. It's still crap. But hey, it's 1472 more crappy words than before.

You heard about my May 17 goal of 20,000 words that I accomplished. Well, I made a new goal and it's even more of a doozy. 40,000 words by June 21. Seeing that it's 35 days away, that's 1150 words a day until then. I kicked butt today, but I'm not going to lie, it was tough. This will be quite the test. And remember didn't I say 120,000 word novel by August?

grand total: 25152

Quote of the Day: I try to leave out the parts that people skip. ~Elmore Leonard

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