Thursday, July 3, 2008

i'm in love

For those of you who know're love? What's new?

So when I fall...I fall hard. Sue me. :::sticks tongue out:::

I just finished Stephenie Meyer's Twilight... :::sigh, batting eyelashes up at some unseen shining star:::

Twilight is what all young adult romance should be; sigh inspiring, sweet, fun, humorous, smart, and well-written.

And Stephenie Meyer goes one step further by revolving the story around a stud-muffin vampire!

I had heard all the hype about this novel and still tried to go into it unbiased. Soooo many people raved about it; but I didn't know any of them from Adam, so I told myself not to expect much. I figured I couldn't lose, since the story had gothic elements and vamp love. I actually worried that since it was a young adult novel, it would be more urban fantasy than romance. Oh boy was I wrong.

I gave it a try and finished this 500 page masterpiece in three days! It's no Harry former lover, but it's a different genre in my mind. All romance....

It's the story of Bella Swan, a teenager, who in order to give her mother the chance to be happy with her traveling ball player boyfriend decides to go live with her father in a small town in northern Washington. Bella is instantly the talk of the small close-knit town. She makes a few friends, but is curious about the group of pale, model-esque kids that sit together in the cafeteria.

From there she meets Edward Cullens, the youngest and sexiest of the group, and her life will never be the same.

I don't want to give away any more because I'm mean that way :-) Read it. There are three more novels in the series and I plan to get through them. I wanted to get this one read because the movie comes out in December and honestly, if I see the movie first, I hardly ever get into the book.

Twilight is filled with romance, suspense, vampires, action, emotion, humor, and romance...Oh wait, I already said that. Growing up I had fantasies similar to the premise of Twilight and I think many teen girls did, too. Ok, maybe just the geeky ones. Still, give it a try and tell me what you think!

grand total: 48153

Quote of the Day: The pages are still blank, but there is a miraculous feeling of the words being there, written in invisible ink and clamoring to become visible. ~Vladimir Nabakov

1 comment:

Shae said...

I know I'm a grown-up but I devoured the Twilight series (I can't wait for Breaking Dawn). It wasn't perfect but I so wanted to be Bella. The movie trailer is on You Tube and that's so not how I pictured Edward. I'm glad I'm not the only adult who read it!!!!