Sunday, December 21, 2008

the morning after

Beautiful, isn't it? The morning after our big snow day (ok big for us at 8" in the southern parts of Las Vegas) you would think we lived in the mountains or something. The day was altogether eerie with sludge piles of snow in the streets and in peoples' yards and the sun illuminating the mountains and hills surrounding us, showing off their thick shiny new coats of bright white snow.

This is what my house looked like in the morning.....

I know, nothing major, but an unusual sight for me.

My boyfriend covered the West side on his way to work and I took a couple of pics on my way down south into Henderson. Then I snapped a few from Sunset Station's garage out into the valley.

Here is what I came up with. Enjoy!

The Day After the Big Snow in Las Vegas 2008

Quote of the Day: I am returning this otherwise good typing paper to you because someone has printed gibberish all over it and put your name at the top. ~English Professor (Name Unknown), Ohio University


Shae said...

So pretty. Thanks for the pics. Are you feeling better?

dyann hunter said...

Yes, I am. What are your plans tomorrow?

Maura said...

I'm so glad you guys got some snow, too! :)

We got about a foot of it this past weekend. Poor Larry spent most of his days off clearing the driveway!

But it does look pretty and if we are lucky and it doesn't get too warm over the next few days, we will actually have a White Christmas this year.

Have a great holiday! Merry Christmas!