Thursday, May 29, 2008

tribute to count de monet

It's a sad day. One of the comic greats, Harvey Korman, passed away today. He was an amazing 81.

This man was a standard in many of my favorite Mel Brooks movies. He had timing, grace and flair and never ceased to make me laugh.

I know he was most famous for his roles in the Carol Burnett Show and in Blazing Saddles as Hedley Lamarr, but I loved him for his role as Count De Monet in History of the World Part I.

I will always remember him and how I grew up admiring comedy just that much more because of him. He will be missed.

Here is a great clip. Enjoy!

grand total: 34199

Quote of the Day: It is necessary to write, if the days are not to slip emptily by. How else, indeed, to clap the net over the butterfly of the moment? For the moment passes, it is forgotten; the mood is gone; life itself is gone. That is where the writer scores over his fellows: he catches the changes of his mind on the hop. ~Vita Sackville-West

Monday, May 26, 2008

back to the daily grind

It's been a long weekend and boy, has it been luxurious. I saw a couple movies, did a little shopping, and ate a few late, and I mean late, breakfasts. Sleeping in is something I look forward to and I cherish the days I can get up whenever I please. So what if breakfast happens to be at one or two? :-)

I was behind on the writing as of Thursday, or maybe Friday, but somehow as the weekend progressed, I got myself back on schedule. It will be a tough week at work with the coming end of month, but I have a day off in the middle to compensate.

At this point in my novel, I realized that a scene I'm writing should be earlier on in the story. I plan on writing it anyway and noting the page where it should be. I really do love this moving forward thing. Before, I would have fret over going back and revising it. Now, I just note it and move on. I wonder why I didn't think I was allowed to do that before. You live, you learn.

Anyway, Happy Memorial Day and welcome back to the daily grind. Now, where's my coffee??

grand total: 31547

Quote of the Day: The act of putting pen to paper encourages pause for thought, this in turn makes us think more deeply about life, which helps us regain our equilibrium. ~Norbet Platt

Thursday, May 22, 2008

david cook and the pips

I haven't gotten as much writing done as I'd like in the last couple of days due to an overwhelming urge to take naps. But, I feel that when your body is tired you gotta listen. Fighting it will result in one of two things: sickness or sloppiness. I don't want sloppy writing (okay no jokes about my writing after margaritas!) and I don't want sickness, so I indulged in naptime.

Also, I had an idea for another novel, so I grabbed one of my handy dandy notebooks that I have just for such an occasion and madly scribbled (because happy scribbling is just plain weird) everything I could about the idea, like character names, back story, plot, scene snippets, etc. It would be a historical romance set in (when else?), the Regency period with gothic elements, you know, heroine in peril, murder, mayhem, and mega steaminess! I already have another gothic novel in the works, but you can never have too many ideas poised for action.

Well, now I'm ready for my real bedtime. Hopefully, my dreams of meat will cease and desist.

grand total: 27073

Quote of the Day: What I like in a good author is not what he says, but what he whispers. ~Logan Pearsall Smith, "All Trivia," Afterthoughts, 1931

Oh and congrats to David Cook, the new American Idol. Here is the absolute funniest thing from the finale. Watch in its entirety....

Monday, May 19, 2008

sorry PETA..i tried

On January 1st of this year I made a resolution to eliminate red meat and poultry from my diet. And on May 17th, I caved. I had a Club sandwich and it had turkey and bacon on it. And it was...delicious.

I did great for the first three months. I didn't even have cravings for meat. But then the dreams began..... the ones where I accidentally eat meat at a social event or with my best friend at a reverse racist restaurant. Don't ask. They got pretty weird. In the dreams I would stress out because I was eating meat and end up spitting it out. But I never stressed like that in real life. I guess it was my subconscious reaching out. No wonder my back would hurt when I woke up.

My reasons for the meatless decision was based on my disappointment and disgust with the way we harvest animals, breeding them for slaughter. But it's not the slaughter, per se, that bothers me, it's the life the animals live while awaiting their fate. Forced in cramped, inconceivably small pens; pushed, shoved, kicked and beaten until their bones are broken, these animals are in constant pain. It makes me cry as I sit here writing about it. How can we do this to living things? Well, I know why. Money and convenience. People want meat, and farmers provide it. But not necessarily the farmers we think of, like Old MacDonald. Actually, he may be related to his corporation cousin in some incestuous Kentucky bred way, but I digress. The real farmers are business men who don't look at their livestock as living things, but as product. And that is truly sad. It's also where our humanity begins to crumble.

Money isn't the only reason we treat animals with cruelty. It's because we can. We think our evolved brains give us some sort of right. That's proven by the idiot soldier who threw a puppy over a cliff for fun and videotaped it, or the perv who enjoys "trampling" videos, where women stomp on baby bunnies and chicks to get off. If people want something, someone will provide it for them, no matter how horrible it is or who it might hurt.

OK, now I'm depressed. Moving on. Instead of feeling incredibly guilty for my failure and turning to heavy desserts or large amounts of carbs, I want to say, hey, I made it almost five months! That's gotta count for something. And it's not like I'm going to go on a meat rampage and stuff myself with everything bloody. I just need to have the option of eating meat, so I don't crave it in my dreams. My diet used to consist of roughly 80% meat before this year. Now it will consist of only 5-10% max. I still don't plan on eating veal or pate. And I advise you all to reconsider indulging in those. (Don't make me have to tell you what they do to geese and calves!)

Anyway, I didn't mean to get everyone either upset with me or bummed. If I were Monty Python, I would make a sudden interlude of gratuitous images of penises. But all I have is a bunny.

daily total: 1153
grand total: 26305

Quote of the Day: If there's a book you really want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it. ~Toni Morrison

Sunday, May 18, 2008

shah...push it

I made it through the road block! I'm not particularly happy with the scenes, but first draft, people...first draft. Whenever I say it, I feel dirty. Dirty in a haven't taken a shower for four days kinda way, not dirty in a getting spanked by David Duchovny kinda way. If that were the case, I'd be saying it until my mouth went dry.

I'm reading Stephen King's book "On Writing" and I believe he says something about giving yourself permission to write crap when it comes to your first draft. Hallelujah! Because I'm pretty darn good at writing crap :-) He has some interesting insights so far and some great tips. I just watched The Mist and I hate him. His endings can be soooo depressing. I want to cry all night. So I took all that emotional energy and I turned to my book. It's still crap. But hey, it's 1472 more crappy words than before.

You heard about my May 17 goal of 20,000 words that I accomplished. Well, I made a new goal and it's even more of a doozy. 40,000 words by June 21. Seeing that it's 35 days away, that's 1150 words a day until then. I kicked butt today, but I'm not going to lie, it was tough. This will be quite the test. And remember didn't I say 120,000 word novel by August?

grand total: 25152

Quote of the Day: I try to leave out the parts that people skip. ~Elmore Leonard

Thursday, May 15, 2008

road blocks

I've come to a scene in my novel where the hero and heroine tour the Quinault Indian Reservation. I've never been to the Reservation and finding photographs and images of it have proved more difficult than I expected.

As with my scene about pool, I want my readers to believe me. I want them to think I've been to the reservation and have done the things my hero and heroine are doing there. This is hard.

I have maps and some physical descriptions of the land in general, but I'm picky. I want details! It's not such a bad M.O. to make up some things, considering very few have been to the Quinault Indian Reservation. But that one reader that says "there's no ravine near the river" would surely drive the bow and arrow deep into my heart.

All of this whining stems from my detachment from writing these last couple of days. I feel out of sorts, which could be period, if we're being totally honest here, or even the distraction of my boy friend having a couple days off from work. But I'll lay the blame on my mind trying to sabotage me. It feels unprepared to move forward, so I stall.

My proposed plan to get out of this is to take some of the research I did today and just write through the scatteredness, throwing in some key words I want and coming back to the reality and detail of the scene at a later time. During revisions.

I'm glad we got this settled.

grand total: 22856

P.S. I haven't forgotten about the review. I plan to do that this weekend.

Quote of the Day: I would hurl words into this darkness and wait for an echo, and if an echo sounded, no matter how faintly, I would send other words to tell, to march, to fight, to create a sense of hunger for life that gnaws in us all. ~Richard Wright, American Hunger, 1977

Saturday, May 10, 2008

no guts no glory

I've noticed a few things about my body as I've gotten older. My fat isn't evenly dispersed. It settles predominantly in my gut. And before all you people, who say you should be thankful you don't struggle with an all-over weight issue, jump on my un-sympathetic bandwagon, let me speak my piece.

My issue isn't the disproportionate weight, it's my lack of discipline to do anything about it. And trust me, I've tried it all. Diet, exercise programs, etc. I even thought about being a personal trainer, just so I would have to get in killer shape first. Of course that didn't happen. You could say I have so many goals that it's hard for me to focus, or you could say, I'm lazy and/or undisciplined. Whatever the case, it pisses me off that I can't get into the permanent habit to exercise. Our bodies are amazing works of art and all shapes and sizes should be cherished, but I want mine to last as long as possible and that involves a little bit of work.

Instead of having a body that looks like I do nothing, I want one that proves that I do. So I'll keep trying. Writing this novel and keeping up with the word count despite a million obstacles (outer and inner) has shown me that I actually can accomplish things that I set out to do. And health should be my number one priority in the grand scheme of things. I guess the next time I want Birthday Cake Remix from Coldstone Creamery, I'll get a smaller size or run another mile on the treadmill (which I haven't used for months). Gotta start somewhere, right?

daily total: 716
grand total: 21147

Quote of the day: And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt. ~Sylvia Plath

Thursday, May 8, 2008

i miss jason castro

There is nothing like the smell of sushi and beer at 5:30 in the afternoon.

After a lovely dinner at our local west valley sushi hut, our waiter informed my boyfriend and I that we received $20 off our bill for the mere fact that I was a lady. I realized that sometimes it pays to be a woman. Let's hear it for ladies' night! Discounts for not having a penis. I find it kinda funny.

Some more perks:

1) Free drinks from men wanting to get laid.
2) Getting to go to the bathroom with a buddy.
3) Blaming a bad mood on your period.
3) Men doing things for you, to impress you (and then back to the latter half of #1)
4) Being able to cry without getting picked on.
5) Getting sympathy for cramps.
6) Smelling good no matter what.
7) Having make-up available to cover up the un-pretty.
8) Dying our hair or getting highlights without being called "gay".
9) Hidden arousal.
10) Less messy clean-up after the "deed" is done.

Ok, so it got a little crude. I had to dig deep for those last couple. I'm sure there are sooo many reasons why it pays to be a woman, but I managed ten big ones.

Yesterday was a slow day in writing, coming in at but again, I did something, which is the best part of it all. It means, that the story is moving forward, even if by a word or two. Neat, huh?

daily total: 901
grand total: 20159 (my goal has been reached!)

P.S. Anyone else miss Jason Castro? He was voted off American Idol, and although he wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed, he sure made me smile with his unique voice and easy-going attitude. We'll miss ya, sexy blue eyes.

Quote of the Day: A word is not the same with one writer as with another. One tears it from his guts. The other pulls it out of his overcoat pocket. ~Charles Peguy

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

the day after cinco de mayo

I realized I should have had my margarita yesterday. I mean, it was Cinco de Mayo. Instead I had a generic Jack and Coke, my second drink of choice. I go through phases and also stages of brokeness, so I'm lucky to have even generic Jack in the house at the current stage ;-) I made up for the drinks by grilling some shrimp fajitas to pay homage to my Mexican friends.

I didn't have a huge word count Monday, coming in at 732 words, but I hit a streak today and made up for the small slump.

I'm finishing up the big pool / bar scene where we meet the Detective (who is driving me crazy because I'm not an expert on law enforcement) and we get to see a couple different sides to my hero and heroine. In other words, it gets into the nitty gritty.

I've found I like the intense action scenes with multiple characters. I like having the hero and heroine, possibly the villain and the comic relief all together to duke it out...with amazingly orchestrated page turning scenes. The funny part is that I think my best work comes in the introspection. I have a way with thoughts. HA! That makes me laugh for some reason.

Anyway, I haven't changed my playlist yet or finished the book I'm reading. I plan on it this week. And it looks like I'm a little under 800 words to my goal to make 20,000 words by May 17. Nice and way ahead of schedule!

daily total: 1120
grant total: 19214

Quote of the Day: Writing is a socially acceptable form of schizophrenia. ~E.L. Doctorow

Sunday, May 4, 2008

sunday is my fun day

Actually, Saturday is my fun day. But Sunday ain't nothing to sneeze at....Especially when you get some serious writing done. I'm still working on the pool playin' scene and it's just coming to the mucho exciting part. I live for those mucho exciting parts.

I'm also finishing up one of the books I'm currently reading and I'll post a review either tomorrow or Tuesday. And I'll be changing my playlist.

You have something you want me to talk about? Spill it. Leave me a comment and I'll wrap it into one of next week's posts.

Catch yas later!

daily total: 1341
grand total: 17362

Quote of the Day: The role of a writer is not to say what we all can say, but what we are unable to say. ~Anaïs Nin

Saturday, May 3, 2008

my novel

I remember mentioning that I was going to tell y'all at least a little about my novel.

I do have a tentative title, but I'm gonna keep that part secret. Let's call it COT for now.

COT is a romantic suspense with Native American and paranormal influence. It takes place in southwestern Washington and involves a naive archivist, always mistaken for a librarian, who gets her dream job at a progressive library. From her very first day she gets the feeling she's being watched and after eerie emails, strange phone calls and even getting attacked she knows someone or something is out to get her. And there's her co-worker, a steaming hot Quinault man with a tragic past. She vowed that her new job would get her undivided attention, but continuing to fight her heart against having feelings for this man and trying to stay alive is proving nearly impossible.

I've already said too much, but hey, I like you people :-)

daily total: 1091
grand total: 16021

Quote of the day: So often is the virgin sheet of paper more real than what one has to say, and so often one regrets having marred it. ~Harold Acton, Memoirs of an Aesthete, 1948

Friday, May 2, 2008

margarita woes

Yesterday I worked for 11 hours at my day job. End of month is tough in the accounting industry and I was beat. I actually wrote 99 words just to say I did something related to my novel.

When I got home all I wanted was a margarita and sleep. And I got both.

Today wasn't an 11 hour day, but it's funny how one long day can throw you off for a couple thereafter.

I had a margarita again tonight, but I wasn't going to let that stop me from writing. Who knows, it might be my best stuff! HA!

Anyway...I'm afraid if I continue blogging right now it might get weepy or angry or some other dwarvish emotion. So it's a short one today.

todays total: 1304
grand total: 14930

Quote of the day: There's nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and open a vein. ~Walter Wellesley "Red" Smith